“Purificatus Non Consumptus” (Motto of The American College,India).
but not consumed” is the motto of the college.Every student of the
college in addition to academic activity,is purified in moral values and
they leave the college capable of facing life.
From April 13th 2008 until this minute the situation of the college is opposite to the above mentioned paragraph.
Asir Bishop of Madurai-Ramnad diocese and Chairman of the college
Governing Council (Whose position is only to preside over the function)
is trying to bring the college under the Church illegally.Which was
against the by-laws of the college.
Joseph Jaikumar (former Principal and Secretary of the college)
fighting a legal battle to keep the college under an independent
Governing Council of the College which was followed since the founding
of the college.The by-laws of college clearly states that the college
should act under the Governing Council and it is independent of the
Church.The Teaching Staffs,Non-Teaching Staffs and Students were divided
due to the clash between the Church vs College.
From April 13th
2008 until this minute the college motto has been reversed.The Present
motto of the college is “Consumed but not Purified”.The students of the
college is now consumed by
Words,Selfishness,Cheating,Caste etc.
true color of the Faculty is exposed.Everyone who is related to the
college wish that the Teaching Staffs from both sides to repent from
their immoral values and get purified.The Teaching Staffs of the college
were asked to show students the right path,not the opposite of it which
they are showing at present.
We Congratulate very few persons who have true concern on the college.