Monday, January 31, 2011

Achievements made by Dr.T.Chinnaraj Joseph

Dr.T.Chinnaraj Joseph Jaikumar (Retd.Principal and Secretary) of The American College is charged of becoming the Principal and Secretary without any eligibility.We admit it, but the achievement he made,proved him to be an able administrator.
The Achievements made by Dr.T.Chinnaraj after he took control as Principal and Secretary.
a) Major examination reforms that have been due since 1978 have been implemented;the office of the controller of Examinations has been created with a Deputy controller of Examinations;
b) Principal and Secretary Dr.T.Chinnaraj Joseph Jaikumar has been appointed as a member of the Governing Council of the NAAC,and a member of a High Power committee of the Central Government on the creation of Centrally-sponsored Colleges through out the country;
c) Religious life and liturgical service on the campus for the benefit of the students,the faculty and the non-teaching staff members was given special emphasis;two international church music programmes were organized;
d) The social fabric of the faculty that had been suffering from mutual mistrust and misunderstanding has been strengthened by way ob bringing in a lot of cohesiveness;
e) The administration has been completely decentralized with the creation of four Deans and four Additional Deans;
f) Campus Information System at the cost of thirty lacs has been created;
g) Alumni Cell was rejuvenated at the district level;
h) Nearly one crore has been spent on the upkeep of the college campus since it had needed attention for a very long time.
i) The buildings of the additional campus were completed and a formal inaugural function was held with his Excellency American Consul General for South India;the University’s permission for shifting three departments was obtained;
j) Many MOUs were signed with overseas universities like the Appalachian in the US and the University of Canterbury in the UK;
k) Student’s union election were conducted after several decades in order to ensure the democratic participation of students in education in the college.
l) Inter-collegiate and intra-college cultural functions were introduced;
m) Students Feedback System was strengthened;
n) As an effort on self-reliance,two Women’s club sponsored music programmes were successfully organized to raise funds for the’Lunch Assistance Programme’ for the Economically Backward students;
o) Many national-level and international seminars were hosted;
p) Many national-level seminars,major and minor projects,and career oriented courses have been sanctioned by the UGC for the first time in the History of the college;
q) Four need-based courses such as Visual Communications,Commerce with computer Applications,M.Phil in Chemistry and BBA have been introduced;
r) The college has been selected as the Study Centre for Tamil Nadu Open University;
s) Many welfare measures in the interest of the faculty and the non-teaching staff members were initiated;

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Governing Council Of The American College

ACT OF 1860(XXI of 1860).
Date of Registration: 27-6-1934.
I. Name.
The name of this Association shall be the Governing Council of the American College, Madurai.
II Object or purpose.
The Object of the Association is to give to students of all creeds a liberal Christian Higher education,to train them in the service of God and man,and to do such other things as are in harmony with that object.
III Controlling Agencies.
The Controlling Agency shall be the Governing Council of the American college,Madurai.
IV Officers of the college
i) Designation.
The officers of the college shall be,
The Principal
The Vice-Principal
The Bursar
ii) Appointments.
The Principal,Vice-Principal and Bursar shall be appointed by the Governing Council.
iii) Duties.
A) Principal
a) He shall be the executive head and official correspondent for the college and the secretary of the Governing Council.
b) He shall act as the official reprenstative of the Council in legal and other capacities except where the council specifically determines otherwise.
c) He shall be responsible for the maintanence of discipline.
d) He shall make appointments to the Faculty,Such appointments shall ordinarily be made by the Principal in consultation with the Vice-Principal and the Head of Department concerned and shall be subject to the approval of the council.
e) He shall recommend the members of the Faculty,to the governing council for continuance,confirmation or termination of service.
f) He shall appoint,determine the duties of and terminate the services of the non-faculty members of the Staff as provided in the bye-laws.
g) He shall present for sanction to the Governing Council,ordinarily at the April meeting,a list of salaries for the following academic year in concordance with the approved scales.
h) He shall make all admissions.
i) He shall have general supervision of the finances of the college.
j) He shall be responsible for carrying out such other duties as shall be necessary for the efficient working of the college.
B) Vice-Principal.
a) In the absence or inability of the Principal,the Vice-Principal shall perform the duties of principal.
b) He shall also perform such duties as may be delegated to him by the Principal subject to the approval of the Governing council.
C) Bursar.
a) The Bursar shall have control over the administration of the finance and property of the college.He shall have charge of all moneys belonging to the college and of its invested funds.He shall make all payments sanctioned by the Council and deal with investments as sanctioned by the finance and property committee.
b) He shall act as purchasing agent of the college.
c) He shall maintain correct accounts of all financial transactions and shall present an annual balance sheet,statement of accounts and audit report to the Finance and Property committee and the Governing council.
d) He shall explore avenues of improving the financial position of the college and work towards augmenting its resources along lines authorized by the Finance and Property committee.
e) In all duties stated above he shall be responsible to the principal.
v) The Governing Council.
The members of the Governing Council shall constitute the Governing Body of the American college.
1) Membership.
i) The Principal (Ex-officio)
ii) The Vice-Principal (Ex-officio)
iii) The Bursar (Ex-officio)
iv) Two permanent members of the faculty elected by the permanent members of the faculty.
v) The Bishop in Madurai and Ramnad of the church of south India (Ex-officio)
vi) One person appointed by the Executive Committee of the Diocesan Council of Madurai and Ramnad.
vii) One person appointed by the Synod of the church of South India.
viii) Two persons appointed by the All India Association for Christian Higher Education from the Tamil Nadu region.
ix) Three members co-opted by the council.
x) One Member nominated by Madurai University.
No faculty member or non-faculty member of staff shall enter through vi,vii,viii,ix and x.Co-option unde ix shall be made with a view to bring in as far as possible persons of experience in Christian Higher Education,those engaged in occupations outside the Church,and former students of the college.
2.Term of office,
The term of office for all members other than ex officio members shall be two years.Where a body elects or appoints more than one member of the should be arranged that one shall retire each year.
a) All meetings shall be called by the secretary in consultation with the president.
b) Regular meetings may be held at any time,but shall ordinarily be held in August and March.Emergency meetings may be called by the secretary with at least three days notice.Special meetings shall be called on receipt of a written request therefore by not less than four members of the Council.Such request must state the business to be transacted at the meeting.
c) The quorum for a meeting shall be eight members.
4) Duties.
The Governing council shall,
a) determine and carry out the policy of the college,
b) appoint or terminate the appointments of the Principal,the Vice-Principal,the Bursar,the proffessors.the Heads of Departments,the Chaplin and the wardens of Hostels,as here in after provided in the bye-laws.
c) Assign for residence to members of the Faculty the houses under its control.
d) Approve or otherwise deal with appointments to the Faculty made by the Principal and recommendations made by him for continuing,confirming or terminating the services of the members of the faculty as here in after provided in the byelaws
e) Determine the courses of study to be offered and maintained
f) Determine the schedule of salaries,
g) Control finances as follows
i) Sanction the current General Budget.
ii) sanction special items involving expenditure of Rs 15,000 or more not provided for in the budget,and over expenditures in any item of the budget of more than 10% or Rs 15,000/- whichever is less.
iii) to pledge,borrow,sell,transfer,negotiate or otherwise deal in securities of the college.
h) delegate,subject to such conditions as it thinks fit,any of its powers to committees consisting of such members as it deems fit,and make such regulations as to the proccedings of such committees as may seem proper.
i) Hold such property of the college as shall be transferred to it by the American Board or its successors and such as it may acquire.
j) Fix from time to time the amount of fees and other dues payable by the students.
k) Serve as an appellate body according to provisions of this constitution and bye laws.
l) Excersise revisionary powers over decisions of subsidiary bodies.
m) Provide for other matters connected with the college not otherwise provided for in this constitution.
5) Officers.
The officers of the Governing Council shall be,
i) President who shall be the Bishop in Madurai-Ramnad.He shall preside at all meetings of the Council except that in his absence from any meeting.the council shall elect a non-faculty member from among those present to occupy the Chair and conduct the proceedings of that meeting.
ii) Secretary who shall be the Principal.He shall call all meetings,prepare the agenda,keep a record of all proceedings of the Council and perform such other duties as may from time to time devolve on him in connection with his office.He shall send copies of all proceedings of the council to the members.He shall remind bodies appointing members to the Council at the proper time when appointments are to be made.
The Governing Council shall have the following committees,
i) Finance and Property Committee.
a) The members of the committee shall be the principal,the vice-principal,the Bursar and four local members not necessarily members of the Council,elected by the Governing Council.At least two out these four shall be permanent fculty members.The Principal shall be the Ex-officio chairman and Convener of the committee
b) The duties of the committee shall be.
i) To prepare each year a budget for the ensuing year and present it to the Council at the regular meeting in March.End.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Questions to The American College Faculty.

Questions to The American College Faculty.
For Anti-Bishop Faculty.
1) Why didn’t you take any preventive measure to stop Bishop.Rt.Rev.A.Christopher Asir entering the college because it is the second time same thing is happening?
2) Some information’s cannot be shared but some can be, Why you (applies to few professors) are not giving us any information?
3) Few Professors behave totally different by acting as if they don’t know us, which makes us laugh?
4) Why you are protesting inside the college unnecessarily which will not yield you any solution?
5) Why are you not allowing students to interfere?
For Pro-Bishop Faculty.
1) Last time you said that we are legally strong but finally Dr.T.Chinnaraj Joseph group occupied the college.How can we know that this time what will happen?
2) If you are legally strong,Why you could not make the Professors of Dr.T.Chinnaraj Joseph group take classes?
It is we students caught in your conflict.We want unity among Professors in college.Dont confuse us,both Pro-Bishop and Anti-Bishop group should take a clear decision and give us an answer through Government sources.Both groups have no rights to blame students.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Fate of Students of The American College,India.

The Fate of Students of The American College,India.

Dr.R.Mohan who claims to be appointed by the college chairman Rt.Rev.A.Christopher Asir (Bishop of Madurai-Ramnad Diocese) as Principal-in-charge announced that the college will be reopened on 5th January 2011 and if the faculty or students fail to attend action will be taken against them.

On the other side Dr.P.R.Anbudurai who claims to be the Principal-in-charge as per the norms of the college announced that the college is indefinitely closed till they find a resolution to over through Rt.Rev.A.Christopher Asir and his group from the management as they illegally occupied the management and added that rowdies were roaming in the college and they concern more about the safety of students.

The students were in a great confusion whether to attend or not.Dr.R.Mohan says if they fail to attend they will take action and Dr.P.R.Anbudurai says it is not safe for students to attend the college.

The students Unity is a much important one in this time.The same thing happened years before and at that time there is no Unity among students but this time all the present students should not be exploited by the oral skills of both groups rather as a young brilliant students should think who has the capability to govern the college and which side there is justice.The present students of the college should be independent of both the groups and try to save the college in a non-violent,legal way.

This time Students should prove that they have the capability to do Justice and should weaken the Protest of both groups and should hand over the college to Professors who were worthy to be held in positions.